In China: Ai Weiwei verschwunden. Reminiszenz an einen Besuch.

Briefpost anlässlich der Verhaftung des wohl bekanntesten chinesischen Gegenwartkünstlers Ai Weiwei am vergangenen Sonntag in Peking: Der Künstler lädt in seinem Blog zu Mitteilungen ein, die nicht nur seine  Ausstellung  im Haus der Kunst in München betreffen. 

Senior Coach Birgitt Morrien war im vergangenen Jahr dort zu Besuch, da Weiweis Kunst ihr seit jeher ist, was sie bestenfalls auch ihren Coachees sein möchte: "Inspiration zu beherzt eigenen Meinungen und überraschenden Lösungsansätzen, die sinnstiftende Karrieren fördern und so den Markt bereichern." 


dear ai weiwei,

getting to know your work is getting to know a man who loves his country and therefore fights it in its rigid political limitations in a very unique+creative way: your work is a major meditation on silence+strength following the sound+syntax of nature, endangered.

yet, fighting violence makes us turn violent ourselves, at times.

lately, I read an article on your great work in which you want your folks to “fuck my motherland” to resist political pressure. but why motherland?! in Germany we speak of fatherland. and why would you use the term “fucking” in a very common, violent way?! should such a creative man like you turn out an intellectual bore, finally?!

anyway, I would appreciate you to leave idioms of verbal violence out of your work. you just don’t need them!
reading it hurts me. I cannot get used to the prevailing agreement with what I perceive to be a global habit of ignorance regarding sexism. –

thank you for your very special contribution in the HAUS DER KUNST which appears to be located in a very special environment:

to me, all that I see+perceive HERE, visible+invisible,
seems to be about what is worth TO BE

whether it be the dream of freedom
of thought and speech or the dignity
of life itself as a tree, child, woman or man.

is it that woman is the hidden side of man
is it that child is the hidden side of woman
is it that tree is the hidden side of child

is it that I am ai weiwei, may be –

what a horizon to open up when
I start realizing this. the
connection of all beings communicating
with each other

Warm regards,

Birgitt E. Morrien


*"Da ist Druck im Kessel" – DIE ZEIT Nr. 41.
Hanno Rauterberg berichtet in seinem Beitrag von einer Begegnung mit Ai Weiwei, der seiner Ansicht nach wie kein anderer Künstler für die Demokratisierung seines Landes kämpft. Gerade und auch durch seine Kunst.

LESETIPPS:  Bücher engagierter Autorinnen, die Birgitt Morrien auf ihrer Reise durch China entdeckt hat:

1. Lake with No Name  von Diane Wei Liang

2. Factory Girls  von Leslie T.Chang

3. Apologies Forthcoming  von Xujun Eberlein




COP – Coaching, Organisation & PR
Birgitt E. Morrien, M.Sc./USA
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D-50733 Köln

Fon: +49 221 739 32 62
Fax: +49 221 739 17 69



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