All alone, the little cat was hiding in the bushes near the hotel´s parking garage, when a tourist discovered it by chance. That´s the moment, when an unusual relationship emerged and how the story began. Birgitt Morrien about the momentum in a chance encounter, that should prove significant for her.
weiterlesen >Schlagwort: trust
In einem offenen Brief an Mark Zuckerberg erklärt Birgitt Morrien, wie sie Unternehmen in Krise mit Personality Unplugged* (PU) darin unterstützen kann, Vertrauen und Glaubwürdigkeit zurückzugewinnen: durch pure Inspiration, die vollkommen neue Wahrnehmungen und Lösungen begünstigt!
weiterlesen >In an open letter Birgitt Morrien presents Personality Unplugged* to Mark Zuckerberg and explains that and how Personality Unplugged* can help companies to regain trust and credibility: This is when pure inspiration encourages totally new perceptions and unconventional concepts of behavior.
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